What are the requirements for a chauffeur in Canada ?

One must be a Canadian citizen.

Any person aspiring to provide chauffeur service in Canada must be a citizen. Foreigners willing to become chauffeurs must apply for a work permit and citizenship to get the driving mandate. Failure to go through the formalities mentioned results in direct denial of chauffeur services license on the streets of Canada.

One must Undertake a driving training course and pass the tests.

Chauffeur service in Canada is an exquisite kind of business that requires skilled drivers to perform. The Canadian government requires that one have a driving license of Ontario other than other licenses such as the M1, G2 and M2. The document is proof of possession of knowledge required to drive in the name of chauffeur service. Failure to have a valid Ontario license can attract heavy fines or penalties.

One must pass a medical and vision test.

To perform chauffeur service in Canada, one must be physically and mentally fit. The medical tests must be done and approved by a certified medical doctor. The key reason for a medical test is to gauge one’s ability to judge and remain sober while driving. Vision tests are equally important because in driving, seeing is everything. A clear sight drives better than a blurred one. Therefore, vision tests are essential for driving.

One must attain 18 years and above.

According to the law, chauffeur service in Canada is strictly for individuals above eighteen years. It is illegal for a minor to assume chauffeur roles partly because of the complexities of charging minors in a court of law. In many circumstances, the employer or guardian may be liable for the minor’s negligence.


The work of a chauffeur in Canada can be rewarding because of the disposable income of the citizens and the zero unemployment rate. The requirements for driving must be stringent to protect citizens that wish to use chauffeur services. The chauffeur profession is not just a career but an art as well.  

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